March to war with Lord Boromir and the Assault on Osgiliath Nightmare Deck! The Assault on Osgiliath scenario challenges you to seize control of every Osgiliath location in play, and the new setup and encounter cards in this Nightmare Deck add to the ferocity of the forces that oppose you, even as they add new strategic dimensions to your ongoing struggles. In Nightmare Mode, you’ll find that the scenario’s enemies and treachery cards get stronger with the number of locations the players control, and your battle for Osgiliath will be fierce, bloody, and full of changes in momentum. Victory would mean a major blow against the Enemy, one wrong move could cost you the whole war.
Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to revisit your favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game’s challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario’s encounter deck. The result? A nightmarish journey through territory you thought you knew, but with twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat!
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